Jukka Niiranen continues his series about improving the user experience of Power Apps Model-driven app forms and multi-table data models. In this article he describes how the new Form Component Control enables us to blend the forms from two different tables onto a single form.
To change the “bill to” customer after invoicing is a frequent requirement. However, there is no simple and easy answer. In this article Antti Pajunen explains why simple solutions are missing and he describes three different options for changing the “bill to” customer.
🦸🏻♀️ Use Relevance Search API in Power Automate & Canvas App - Part 1 by Roohi Shaikh (Inogic)
🦸🏻♀️ 🔧 Tool kit Series | Leave and Absence by Ana Inés Urrutia
🦸🏻♀️ Hidden fields are not “required” anymore in model-driven forms? by Alex Shlega
🦸🏻♀️ SVG Icons in Power Apps (Canvas apps) by Matthey Devaney
🦸🏻♀️ 2021 January DC Chapter Meeting by Kylie Kiser
🦸🏻♀️ Dynamics 365 Project Operations: Changing the “bill to” customer after invoicing by Antti Pajunen
🤵🏻 Approvals in Microsoft Teams by Amanda Sterner
🦸🏻♀️ User-Local behavior with Date-Only format… what’s that for? by Alex Shlega
🦸🏻♀️ D365 HR – Mass update positions! by Kamal Radhakrishnaiah
🦸🏻♀️ Customising Case Resolutions by EY Kalman
🦸🏻♀️ New Dynamics 365 Sales mobile experience (preview) by Dian Taylor
🦸🏻♀️ Modify elements of an object in an array in Power Automate(Select Operation) by Vaishali Vyas
🦸🏻♀️ Use Rich-Text Control for Multiple Lines of Text in Dynamics 365 CE | Quick Tip by Priyesh Wagh
🦸🏻♀️ Patch any field type in a SharePoint list item using Power Apps by Pieter Veenstra
This is the first article in a series of posts from David Rivard, where he will show the main differences between Dataverse Custom APIs and the more traditional Workflow Custom Actions.
👩💻 Add React and Tests to a TypeScript project by Benedikt Bergmann
👩💻 Execute Privilege Name (ExecutePrivilegeName) property of Custom API in Dynamics 365 / Microsoft Dataverse by Nishant Rana
👩💻 SQL 4 CDS 4.0.0 Released by Mark Carrington
👩💻 Next level TDD for Microsoft Dataverse with XrmMockup by Magnus Gether Sørensen
Markus Erlandsson talks to Malin Martnes from KnowIt about Human Resource and how the old Talent has transformed in Human Resource.
David Rivard joins the team to help define what Custom API's in Dataverse are.
Ben and Scott discuss an issue Ben has been having with moving files between SharePoint sites and some possible solutions.
Bring in the new year with an amazing set of Power Apps community all-stars: Brian Knight, Hazim SharafelDin, Deepak Shrivastava, and of course, the hosts, Todd Baginski and Charles Sterling.
Forum Discussion 19th January 2021 8PM (GMT).
Imagine using GitHub and Visual Studio Code with the text formulas of a Canvas app. Teams can collaborate on apps: they can work on private branches, diff changes, create pull requests for review, and merge into master. Microsoft announced the experimental release of a tool that does just this!
Approvals in Microsoft Teams, now generally available, allows you to easily create, manage, and share approvals.
With the updated push notification connector, you can now send push notifications to model-driven apps with Power Automate. These notifications can direct users straight to a specific page or section of your app - like the relevant entity view or form.
The Innovation Backlog app gives your business users a place to record and prioritize their wish list of digital innovations. Your teams can use this app to submit ideas for apps and flows and describe pain points with the current process.
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